Thursday, April 9, 2015

Project 9

Fine Art 
This picture was taken with Paolo standing right next to a wall. After taking this picture I imported this picture into light room I darkened the photo to have it preserve a theme or mood. This picture has Paolo with his hand over his chin as if he was pondering away. I captured this photo with a low f stop. The reason I did his is because its a portray, therefore we want the viewer to be looking at the actual person instead of the background. So having my camera focus on Paolo's face will put into effect of the viewers noticing his face. Therefore the background doesn't get to distracting so that Paolo's faces wound't be put into consideration. This is a fine art portrait because it delivers a mood. What I see is that the mode seems to be deep in thought symbolizing wry smile. As you can see Paolo is somewhat smiling in this picture while placing his hand over his chin. Looks kind of evil. As of the editing I copied the background with a layer just in case I i made any mistakes. Then I created a layer mask for this, so I could darken the background of this picture this way that the person will pop out. The next thing I did was that I used a black brush and painted the background black, I then adjusted the opacity so that the background wouldn't be completely dark.  The next edit I did to this photo was I turned it into black and white, and then finally I adjusted the tone curve letting the background be darker and the face brighter. 

Fine Art

This photo was taken at the parking lot underneath the central park. I took this picture by positioning John in a place where the light is shown on his face because I was shooting for a portrait. For Johns face to look somewhat smooth, I removed all his pimples b using the stamp tool. Replacing his pimples with skin from a different part of his face was very fascinating but it was with photoshop instead of an actual plastic surgery. The next step was to remove most of the red that was on his face. First off, I over saturated the face with red so that I knew which parts of his face contained red, then I de-saturated it and and the color blue to get rid of red. I adjusted the tone curve a bit so the balance between light and dark would be more obvious. I do agree that this picture is a bit to bright, I should of darkened it a little bit.
Commercial Magazine

I like his picture because of the red background it presents. This red background causes the viewers to immediately notice Paolo's face. This was edited by me adding a template and changing the opacity so that this picture contains red in it. Then by adjusting the tone curve to be darkened, the red changed to a darker red, which matches his t-shirt.  
Commercial Magazine
I like this picture because it has a certain type of feeling towards it. As you can see, Paolo is a deep thinker, and I captured this image when we were having a discussion about IB Chem, he sort of just went into a pose of ponder, with the mention of how gas laws are related to stoicheometry. I edited this picture by collaborating layers that would shade in the background so that Paolos face and hand would make a better resemblance of him being deep in thought.  

Project 9 Pre Work

Fine Art Portrait Photography 

By Alessio Albi
This is a fine art because this picture creates a mood because of the black and white. You notice that the background of this picture is much darker than the face of this portrait. This is because it is a fine art, which means that the face of the person being shot should appear more than the background. The Background should be plain so it makes the face stand out. What I like about this photo is that you can see a shinning at a straight line across this person's face.
Fine Art Photography

By Aleksandr Munaev

What I like about fine arts is that fine art are very abstract in a sense that they seem to be very interesting. The way its edited is very unique and abstract, the surface of her face seems very soft and smooth. Then you start to notice everything around her face is blurry and it is only the face that is clear. Again this is a portrait, therefore focusing on the face so that the face appears to the viewers instead of the background.

Commercial Portrait Magazine Cover

I like this commercial because the content fits the picture for example the "step-by-step", Javeir is actually taking a step. This magazine is simple and easy to read which makes it very appealing towards the eyes of consumers. 

Commercial Portrait Magazine Cover

Same thing with this one, this is a sporting magazine and that the background matches the runners outfit. I like how the runners head is in front of the font, which looks better.