Saturday, December 13, 2014


This Kaleidoscope I made was taken originally a brick wall. The wall had its unique features such as having a bumpy surface that was carved in to resemble a tree. After taking this photo, I cropped out some of the spaces that I didn't need and only kept the contrast of texture. I rotated the image around so it would be recognized once it's put into a Kaleidoscope. I add some warm feelings to it by turning up the saturation of the color orange and red. And finally I made it into a kaleidoscope. This was the second to last step, the next step, I took the original kaleidoscope and formed it into another kaleidoscope making it a kaleidoscope within a kaleidoscope.

This image was originally taken on our walking field trip. This was an image of the fountain, and because there were green mole the color green appears in the kaleidoscope. I added a bit more green when this picture was imported into light room. I cropped the image leaving a very specific part of the image left. Which is the color brown shown above. I rotated the image made it into a ka
This original photo that created this was a picture of laying down on the floor. After a couple extreme edits I rotated the photo 30 degrees to the left. Then I cropped the image that shaped this and turned it into a kaleidoscope.  I decide to have the top right corners facing inwards while the bottom left face outwards.
The original photo was a spider hanging in the bush . After importing this into light room I turned  the saturation for red higher. I also added more green so that there would be contrast in colors. After creating this kaleidoscope, a white line appeared in the middle. To fix that I used photo shop and got rid of the white line.  

This is a kaleidoscope within a kaleidoscope. I made a kaleidoscope then using that kaleidoscope I created another kaleidoscope. The kaleidoscope that made this is the one shown above.This is one of my favorite kaleidoscope because in the center it has a different color and texture than the rest.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Triptych and Diptych

This is a Diptych of a piano. The process of creating this started off by taking this with mode M. With the help of the flash I was able to create a brighter and shinier picture. These pictures have the exact same mood. Once imported into light room I combined the two images and edited as a whole. The reason I did this was because I didn't want to change the mood that these two images share. By lowering the exposure and increasing the recovery, it gave me a depth of feel.
This is a triptych that was originally created by taking three of the same subject but in three different positions. After importing my images into light room I experienced with these three images by adding colors first. Noticing that colors really didn't fit the mood of this triptych I set the image into black and white. Then I cropped all three images so that they would fit perfectly while they were still in the same position.

Pictures I took that show Contrast

 Contrast in texture: This shows contrast in texture because one side of the brick wall is smooth while the other wall is bumpy.
 Contrast in color: This shows contrast in color because green and red are opposite colors making the spider stand out because of its contrast color.
 Contrast in texture:This shows contrast in texture because the leaves are smooth while the white flowers are sharper.
Contrast in asymmetrical: The trees standing on opposite sides shows asymmetrical. I really like the colors of this image, it creates a sense of comfort because of the warm colors.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Balance and Contrast Photos That I like

Strong Contrast in Scale: By Garth Lenz
This is an picture that shows Strong contrast in scale because it contrast in colors and in Texture. As you can see, these trees give a vertical texture while the water/river gives a smoother type of texture. 

Strong Contrast in color or value: By Brian Sherry

This is an image that shows strong contrast because of its colors. Red and green are opposite colors and blue is the opposite of yellow. Giving this a sense of contrast in color which creates a beautiful image.

Strong Contrast in texture: By Morgan Herrin
The image shows contrast in texture because one side of the sculpture is smooth while the other side is bumpy.
Image that shows Symmetrically balanced: By Lisa Nilsson

This is an image that shows symmetrically balanced everything is the same on both sides and if you could cut it in half both sides would be the exact same.
Image that shows radical balance: By Anthony Howe

This image is balanced radically because of its circular shape. which is centered in the middle.  

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Project 3 Colors

Color Compliments
The original photo was taken as a bug eyes view. The background was white which allowed me to edit the background into different colors. I took one of the blue picture and edited that by turning the temperature down and adding less saturation. For the yellow photo I edited that into a yellow tone by turning the temperature up while the tint I turned it a bit higher. Then I rotated the yellow photo 90 degrees left so that the grid would look better. 

 Color Monochrome
I edited this photo by changing the colors into blue. This was completed by using the bars of temperature. I rotated it four different times and combined it into a grid. The next step was to edit the colors by turning the temperature down so that it would give a sense of cool color monochrome. After completing this I added 12 of these grids together to form a different grid. 
 Color of Monochrome
As you can see this picture contains the same kind of colors. I edited this picture by turning the temperature down so that the colors match to each other. Then I used the tone curve to make it darker  so most of the colors are equal to each other. 
Warm Color
This photo gives us a warm feeling because of the red in this flower. I edited this photo by turning the temperature up to around 60 and adding a little bit of saturation to this. The green and the blue in the background kind of creates a type of color complements. Green is opposite of Red and Yellow is opposite of blue. 
Color Harmonies
This picture is color harmonies because the pictures here are blue and red. Four of these pictures have the color blue and while the other images that surround these four images are opposite red. Which is the opposite of blue. I edited this photo by turning the temperature up and down and decreasing tint.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Color Wheel and warm Color mode

By Kilian Schรถnbergur
This is a warm color picture because it contains the colors of red, yellow and orange.These colors are all on the warm side of the color wheel so it invokes the warmth of this landscape.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Project 2

Contact Sheet 

Close up

Rule of thirds 

 Leading lines
 Birds Eye view
 Frame within a Frame
 Bugs Eye view
Filling in the Frame

Friday, September 26, 2014

Project 1

These photos are the two subjects that I took for Digital Photography class. The first subject is a rope that I found at the mall. I edited the first photo by darkening the photo a bit because it was a bit over exposed. The next step I cropped out the two sides because it contained a lot of waste space. The second image I decided to crop our the left side of the image. I added a bit of saturation to it to have it stand out more. The third image I turned the brightness down a bit. It was over exposed. I choose a mode of moody to darken it a bit. For the ping pong paddles a choose to darken it a little bit. These were the best photos that I took.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

My Summer

This summer my whole family went on a vacation to Yellowstone. We stayed there for four days total. It was a very fun trip, we saw geysers, wild life including Bisons, Bears, Deers, and other wildlife. We hiked a lot, we hiked all the way up to the peak of Mount. WashBurn.